











Pre-War Residence

1,300 SF
New York, NY

The project was a gut ren­o­va­tion of a “Clas­sic 6” pre-war condo located in the Upper West Side of Man­hat­tan. The pri­mary goal was to cre­ate a more open and func­tional lay­out that could accom­mo­date the needs of a young fam­ily while also pro­vid­ing sooth­ing respite from the city below.

Located on the 7th floor with south­ern expo­sures to the sky, the apart­ment has access to abun­dant day light­ing. The new lay­out brings this light through the apart­ment into all the rooms. Wher­ever pos­si­ble, walls were built to feel con­tin­u­ous, ren­dered with sub­tle curves at cor­ners and bends to rein­force a sen­sa­tion of light and space mov­ing through the apart­ment. Solid white oak, wide plank floor­ing by Dine­sen laid in extra long lengths also gives the apart­ment an elon­gated spa­tial quality.

An impor­tant part of the ren­o­va­tion was the con­struc­tion of all new ser­vices includ­ing new elec­tri­cal, plumb­ing and mechan­i­cal sys­tems. All perime­ter walls are newly built with addi­tional ther­mal and sound insu­la­tion. The exist­ing wood sub­floor­ing was removed and new light­weight con­crete sub­floor was poured with an acousti­cal mat over­lay to pro­vide a walk­ing sur­face that is com­pa­ra­ble to walk­ing on solid earth. Con­ve­niences like a cen­tral audio sys­tem and museum qual­ity lights are infrared controlled.

The mate­r­ial palette was kept sim­ple to empha­size the airy and spa­tial qual­i­ties of the design. All of the cus­tom mill­work was designed to be visu­ally in the back­ground allow­ing fur­ni­ture, objects and art to be the focal points of interest.