











McDean Studios

4,000 SF
New York, NY

The project was a con­ver­sion of an office space into a work­ing pho­tog­ra­phy stu­dio for a fash­ion pho­tog­ra­pher. The space is located on the sec­ond floor of a typ­i­cal loft build­ing within the Flat­iron Dis­trict of Man­hat­tan. The design attempts to (re)present the orig­i­nal fea­tures of the loft while cre­at­ing a clear lay­out for all the func­tional needs of the stu­dio staff.More

Orig­i­nal fea­tures restored in the design include the gen­er­ous spa­tial vol­ume of the loft, the orig­i­nal maple floor­ing, cast iron radi­a­tors and the restora­tion of indus­trial metal sash win­dows at the rear and the large wood pivot win­dows at the street wall.

Along the front wall are a new glass enclosed meet­ing room and library, open work areas and an edit­ing room. Along a side wall are other sec­ondary func­tions like the kitchen, bath­room and a large stor­age area for equip­ment and archival mate­ri­als. These sec­ondary rooms are enclosed behind by a long matte black wall which is inter­rupted only by a white pin up area.

At the cen­ter of the stu­dio is a large cyclo­rama used for shoots. Two heavy black out cur­tains line both sides and pro­vide a way to con­trol day­light. To allow deeper shoot­ing con­di­tions, two large slid­ing doors in the black wall are cen­tered on the cyclo­rama, allow­ing the pho­tog­ra­pher to repo­si­tion the cam­era away from the subject.

In the over­all black and white aes­thet­ics of the design is a deeper asso­ci­a­tion with the work of the pho­tog­ra­pher. In this project the “Gesamtkunst­werk” extends to the architecture.