






Charlotte Ronson

Shang­hai, Bei­jing & Hong Kong, PRC

This project was to cre­ate a design tem­plate for retail stores for the pop­u­lar New York based fash­ion designer, Char­lotte Ron­son, to be launched in var­i­ous loca­tions in China. Under­stand­ing the lim­i­ta­tions of con­trol­ling the qual­ity of con­struc­tion in China from the States, we pro­posed a sim­ple palette of ele­ments to com­plete each store. Pol­ished con­crete floor­ing, logo-imprinted metal mesh for the ceil­ing, curvi­lin­ear walls, black metal hang­ing racks and large photo murals were the basic design elements. 

A mod­u­lar sys­tem of acrylic dis­play cubes were laser etched with the com­pany logo. These units were intended accom­mo­date a vari­ety of dis­play con­fig­u­ra­tions depend­ing on retail needs. With the first stores built in Shang­hai and Hong Kong, the own­ers intend to build 200 more stores, bou­tiques, and kiosks through­out China.