







MIG Offices

2,200 SF
Wash­ing­ton, DC

2008 AIA New York Chapter
Design Award Winner

The Mar­itime Intel­li­gence Group is an intel­li­gence con­sult­ing group focused on water-based activ­i­ties. From the out­set, the client requested a design solu­tion that would rep­re­sent the under­stated and covert nature of their busi­ness and clientele.

As a response to the clien­t’s brief, we chose to empha­size the raw, unadorned aspects of the exist­ing space eschew­ing any ref­er­ence to the out­side world. Within a sim­ple lay­out, sub­dued and mono­chro­matic mate­ri­als and col­ors were employed as a back­drop to the com­pany activ­i­ties. Sim­i­larly, detail­ing was kept to clean and min­i­mal exe­cu­tions. More

We designed cus­tom light­ing con­cepts in lieu of typ­i­cal office fix­tures in order to strip the fix­tures to essen­tial func­tions. Above the main work­sta­tions a series of bare, T8 flu­o­res­cent strips mounted above a sheet of reflec­tive acrylic reflect light down­ward. Mod­i­fied, under­cab­i­net lights with per­fo­rated shrouds are mounted to the felt-clad divider walls. Above sheets of poly­car­bon­ate pan­els in the offices, lights pro­vide an ambi­ent glow for office tasks.

Work­sta­tions and office fur­ni­ture pro­vided by Bulo were orga­nized in repet­i­tive and orthog­o­nal fash­ion. The ran­dom win­dow loca­tions along the perime­ter wall due to a Post-Mod­ern facade design are cov­ered by a con­tin­u­ous white para­chute fab­ric fur­ther obscur­ing any con­nec­tion to the out­side world.