
Light Mask

Brook­lyn, NY

This tem­po­rary instal­la­tion was part of the 2005 DUMBO, Art Under the Bridge Fes­ti­val. Our pro­posal was to use fog and light to trans­form the appear­ance of a cor­ner store­front. We were inter­ested in mak­ing a vol­ume or mass out of an ethe­real medium.

To con­tain the fog, a sheet of visquene plas­tic sealed the 3 foot depth of the store­front space. Within this space, a series of flu­o­res­cent lights were placed on the floor. The fog machines were pro­grammed to fill the store­front at inter­vals of 30 min­utes. Set between the glass and the plas­tic sheets were a series of skewed, white boxes or aper­tures fab­ri­cated to match the angles of the Man­hat­tan Bridge and Brook­lyn Bridge. More

As the fog filled the store­front, the appear­ance of a white wall with win­dow-like open­ings took shape. Vision through the exist­ing glass wall was reduced to views through the box aper­tures. For a moment, con­cep­tu­ally, the glass wall became a ghost of its pre­dess­esor, the masonry wall with punched openings.