
Brooklyn Hotel

Brook­lyn, NY

This hotel design was a response to an invited com­pe­ti­tion spon­sored by a Brook­lyn-based hotel devel­oper. The chal­lenge was to cre­ate a 40–50 room hotel on a site of a sup­posed Under­ground Rail­road struc­ture. The design pro­posed to memo­ri­al­ize this sig­nif­i­cant part of the his­toric site while re-appro­pri­at­ing the brick mate­r­ial of the struc­ture into a new struc­ture that would be part of the hotel. More

Simul­ta­ne­ously the ground floor would con­nect directly to the future Willoughby Park. As part of rethink­ing this type of urban hotel, fea­tures in the hotel that attempt to con­nect the local cul­ture of the local Brook­lyn neigh­bor­hood. One such fea­ture is a live/work stu­dio suite which would be spon­sored by a local art insti­tu­tion sup­port­ing young artists in the neigh­bor­hood from the Brook­lyn region. Through­out the build­ing, sus­tain­able con­cept sys­tems are implored, such as grey water col­lec­tion, roof top gar­den for the hotel’s restau­rant, facade shad­ing devices, and echo-sen­si­tive mate­ri­als. The gal­letarien approach to the design is also rep­re­sented by the fact that every room in the hotel has a view of the lush park below.