
Fine ⁄ Koffler House

2,800 SF
Southold, New York

The clients are a cou­ple with two chil­dren. A cin­e­matog­ra­pher and a film pro­ducer, they needed to build a new sec­ond home after a fire destroyed their for­mer one. Their desire was to cre­ate a week­end place of both soli­tude and hos­pi­tal­ity, away from their hec­tic urban life.

The ini­tial con­cept was to cre­ate a “float­ing” ground floor/deck that fol­lows the grad­ual slope of the ground, wind­ing through the nat­ural ter­rain. More

It sim­pli­fied exca­va­tion require­ments and allowed the house to both engage and detach itself where needed from the wild land­scape of the site. Inhab­it­ing a por­tion of this deck is an L‑shaped “bar” hous­ing the bed­rooms, bath­rooms, kitchen and entry areas. Over­lap­ping this vol­ume is the cubic “box” that con­tains a col­lec­tion of multi-use spaces such as the liv­ing room, din­ing room and study. These spaces are both defined and unde­fined, blur­ring the expe­ri­ence of inside and out, mak­ing this mod­est house appear larger.

The large roof deck con­tin­ues the fluid move­ment through the house, acco­mo­dat­ing friends and fam­ily. The only man­i­cured grass of the prop­erty exists at the end of the roof deck. A set of exte­rior stairs work down a screened shower area, lead­ing back to the pri­mary deck and pool area.

The “bar” mate­r­ial is cedar in hor­i­zon­tal strips and exposed screens. The “box” mate­r­ial are large com­pos­ite pan­els, in a stag­gered ash­lar pattern.