
Ball Construction Offices

1,600 SF
New York, NY

The pro­gram for this office design included pri­vate offices, work­sta­tions, a con­fer­ence room and a doc­u­ment fil­ing area. The seri­al­ity of objects and their mate­r­ial affects was the overid­ing theme.

Because of a small foot­print, the lay­out was straight­for­ward in man­ner. The floor was treated with a glossy black stain. The light reflect­ing off this sur­face was intended to coun­ter­act the absence of nat­ural light­ing. Sim­i­larly, the ceil­ing was treated with a dark color to delimit the read­ing of the phys­i­cal space. More

Sus­pended flu­o­res­cent fix­tures, aligned at an angle to the plan geom­e­try, float in this dark void pro­vid­ing illu­mi­na­tion. Flu­o­res­cent strips also sit behind a poly­car­bon­ate wall near the recep­tion desk. The office walls are clad with poly­car­bon­ate sheets on metal fram­ing. Slid­ing doors with gray acrylic allow faint views into the rooms. Within the cen­tral area, work­sta­tions are wrapped in recy­cled polypropy­lene pan­els, an acoustic and tack­able sur­face. These work­sta­tions form a “block-like“ vol­ume, hid­ing table­top clutter.

The con­fer­ence room was treated as a glass case high­light­ing the own­ers glass/metal table. Sim­i­lar met­al­work forms the recep­tion desk, which wraps over, along and inside a low wall.