






Ball Construction Offices II

4,200 SF
New York, NY

This office design was a relo­ca­tion and expan­sion of the pre­vi­ous offices we com­pleted for Ball Con­struc­tion. Many of the mate­r­ial themes and effects from the first design were car­ried into the new space to pro­vide the com­pany with con­ti­nu­ity of image.

At the same time, sev­eral new fea­tures were intro­duced as a means of adapt­ing to the larger space. Along the main hall­way, a series of slanted, metal­lic painted walls house LED mes­sage strips which broad­cast impor­tant project news for the staff. More

The height of these walls pro­vides pri­vacy for the work areas located behind them. In the con­fer­ence room, the red of the LED is used as a color for one of its walls to dis­tin­guish it from larger office motif of dark col­ors. A large area of poly­car­bon­ate ceil­ing pan­els defines both the recep­tion and con­fer­ence areas.

As with the first office, the sea of stag­gered lights helps to cre­ate an autonomous, expan­sive feel­ing above the many spa­tial floor divi­sions due to pro­gram. It pro­vides a counter, visual land­scape to the work­ing landscape.