
Richardson ⁄ Dondoe Loft

2,300 SF
New York, NY

The project was a full ren­o­va­tion of a Lower East Side loft space located across from the Sara D. Roo­sevelt Park. The prin­ci­pal goal of the design was to cre­ate a spare spa­tial con­tainer that would restore the inher­ent qual­i­ties of the loft. Perime­ter walls and exist­ing con­crete beams were re-plas­tered and a radi­ant heated con­crete floor was poured through­out the unit.

All win­dows through­out were replaced with new units. The pri­mary unit is the large glass wall fac­ing the park which is framed with pol­ished black lac­quer pan­els that accen­tu­ate and frame the views. Win­dow units along the south were redone with glass blocks from Japan in order to pro­vide dif­fuse light in the long hall­way as well as pri­vacy from the neigh­bors. More

A sim­ple arrange­ment of rooms makes up the cen­tral area of the loft with the mas­ter bed­room in the rear. A pair of full height doors closes off this back por­tion of the loft from the front when nec­es­sary. The mas­ter bath­room is high­lighted by a back­lit Corian ceil­ing and fold­able bench.

The open kitchen is an L‑shaped wall of mahogany cab­i­nets by Hen­ry­built. The wood pan­els obscure the series of doors for the pow­der room and closet and main­tain the mate­ri­al­ity of the wood as the pri­mary goal.