Millerton Fire House

Miller­ton, NY

The Miller­ton Fire House is an annex build­ing located across from the main fire house and was con­structed to house new emer­gency vehi­cles too large for the old build­ing. The new struc­ture also houses an updated emer­gency com­mand cen­ter and space for local com­mu­nity groups to gather and meet.

A dona­tion by local indi­vid­u­als helped gen­er­ate this project. Despite their gen­er­ous assis­tance, though,
the chal­lenge for our design team and con­struc­tion com­pany was to com­plete this project on a very
tight bud­get of approx­i­mately $850,000 under the reg­u­la­tions of New York State pub­lic projects. We
approached this task by uti­liz­ing one of the most com­mon­place build­ing sys­tems found through­out the
US: the pre­fab­ri­cated metal building.

Although the design started with a sim­ple gable roof struc­ture, we mod­i­fied typ­i­cal ele­ments to achieve
a build­ing shape and mass­ing that con­nects the build­ing to its sur­round­ings in unique ways. The large extended “por­tal” defined by the angled roof line addresses the scale of Cen­tury Boule­vard, a main
thor­ough­fare. The outer white shell of the build­ing changes to a dark gray under this por­tal mak­ing the
front façade the main empha­sis of the build­ing. The check­ered glass garage doors high­light this face and
allows the com­mu­nity to see their new fire trucks. Sim­ple yel­low traf­fic lines empha­size the pedestrian
entry sequence and cus­tom sig­nage designed by our team add mod­est graphic accents to the structure.

In this project, we wanted to make a sim­ple archi­tec­tural state­ment that fit with this vil­lage but also give
them a sense of pride in their pub­lic build­ings. With the many com­mu­nity events that have been held at
the fire house and from hear­ing pos­i­tive com­ments from local voices, we are proud to have participated.