







Templer Studios

4,000 SF
New York, NY

The project was a ren­o­va­tion of a work­ing stu­dio for a cre­ative direc­tor and fash­ion styl­ist located in New York City. The design reor­ga­nized the exist­ing stu­dio into clear func­tional zones while pro­vid­ing a large mul­ti­pur­pose space to be used as nec­es­sary for var­i­ous projects.More

One of the pri­mary chal­lenges was to accom­mo­date the vast print col­lec­tion used as ref­er­ence for var­i­ous projects. The solu­tion was to line the entire space with these printed mat­ters as part of the over­all design. Cus­tom fab­ri­cated, white metal shelv­ing, designed to be robust in pro­por­tions cov­ers struc­tural walls from floor-to-ceil­ing cre­at­ing a sec­ond wall of books and mag­a­zines. In some cases as between the kitchen and table-ten­nis/lay­out area, free-stand­ing shelv­ing units act as the walls them­selves between spaces.

Ample day light­ing fil­tered through roller shades all along the east­ern wall pro­vides good ambi­ent light­ing for print view­ing. A sec­ondary space at one end of the stu­dio func­tions as the dig­i­tal edit­ing room for qui­eter activ­i­ties need­ing less light.