










Millerton Pool House

7,800 SF
Miller­ton, NY

The Pool House is an expan­sion and ren­o­va­tion of an exist­ing pool struc­ture located within a pri­vate res­i­den­tial estate in Dutchess County. The exist­ing struc­ture was dete­ri­o­rat­ing from con­den­sa­tion mois­ture and cor­ro­sion due to poor engi­neer­ing and con­struc­tion meth­ods. The own­ers even­tu­ally decided to recon­struct a new pool house that would uti­lize some of the old struc­tural foun­da­tions while rad­i­cally chang­ing its aes­thetic and engi­neer­ing stan­dards. More

The new “wet” area, expanded to accom­mo­date a larger pool, is housed within a roof struc­ture made of cus­tom fab­ri­cated steel T‑beams span­ning 46 feet. Each beam is uniquely shaped to meet the low roof slope while defin­ing a uni­form ceil­ing plane. The sky­light beams are “kinked” up to cre­ate an unin­ter­rupted pro­file to the roof struc­ture. Acrylic pan­els spaced 4” on cen­ter between the beams give a lumi­nous feel to the ceil­ing while allow­ing moist air to move freely under the steel deck­ing. By doing so, mois­ture can move freely to the roof steel deck­ing elim­i­nat­ing a ceil­ing cav­ity that can allow con­den­sa­tion problems.

All the new mechan­i­cal sys­tems are located in a dou­ble height space in the low build­ing that was for­merly the squash court. Pri­mary ducts buried under the pool deck feed a con­tin­u­ous floor grill fol­low­ing the perime­ter of the glass wall. Addi­tional heat is pro­vided by fin tube pip­ing hid­den in the upper fas­cia, behind the glass wall. There is also radi­ant floor heat­ing through­out the. In uni­son, these heat­ing net­works will main­tain the pool at a con­stant 55% rel­a­tive humid­ity and 85 degrees. Exhaus­tive Dynamic Ther­mal Mod­el­ing sim­u­la­tions were run to estab­lish zero to min­i­mal con­den­sa­tion on key enve­lope ele­ments such as the sky­lights and cur­tain wall mullions.

As part of the design approach to expose cav­i­ties to mois­ture vapors, the stone wall fac­ing the pool is con­structed with open joints allow­ing air to pass freely to the vapor bar­rier. The ver­ti­cal, white mar­ble slats within this wall artic­u­late this engi­neer­ing approach while cre­at­ing a softly lighted design feature.

The low build­ing has been reclad with slate pan­els that match the pool deck and ter­race. A new green roof pro­vides storm water reten­tion while also cre­at­ing a land­scaped ele­ment vis­i­ble from the main house.